Within her first year in Jackson, Nurse Georgie launched Nurse Georgie Health as well as the JH. Health Challenge, uniting businesses to motivate and support individuals’ health.

Experiencing the height of COVID-19 in New York City pushed Nurse Georgie to move to Jackson full-time. She’d been thinking about it since her first visit, and it was time to take the plunge. In addition to her tiny dog Payton, Georgie brought with her the model for a fun, community-wide health challenge that’s been embraced by communities in New York, Stamford CT and beyond.

More on that in a little bit.

“I’ve always been very focused on health and wellness…especially vitamins. When I was a little girl, I would take Flintstone vitamins religiously and make sure my mom knew to get more when we were running low,” she said. 

Nurse Georgie has also been interested in energy, meditation, and yoga since a young age. She was a yoga instructor in college and had a crystal rock collection before crystal rocks were hip.

As an adult, Georgie was drawn to the physical aspect of medicine and fitness, which led her to pursue a nursing license. In doing so she saw how pharmaceuticals work, while coupling treatments with diet and lifestyle choices. In many cases, with the appropriate nutrition and lifestyle changes, eventually, patients no longer needed the drugs. Georgie said, “some of them have become completely different people…better versions of their previous selves.”

Having become a registered Nurse and Functional Nutritionist, Nurse Georgie founded OXTOX a box detoxification system. OXTOX offers practitioner exclusive vitamins, shakes and detox programs for immune boosting, weight-loss and optimal health. It makes a detox or cleanse easy, fun and accessible.  

Some clients purchase specific supplements, while others invest in the 21-day program. Based in Medicine Wheel Wellness (click here), Nurse Georgie’s expertise gets more personalized. With the input of her patients, Georgie designs health and wellness programs targeted to their goals, making each program collaborative and customized.

Within 7 months of living in Jackson, Georgie launched the first JH Health Challenge to help people assess their current health state and set goals to achieve a new one. It’s a 21-day program that includes weekly Zooms with a nutritionist, a program guide, Facebook group support, discounts (on gyms, private training, PT, yoga, mountain guides, and healthy food), AND a cash prize.

Please join us in welcoming Nurse Georgie to the community!

This story is a part of our #humansofjhchamber campaign, which focuses on the faces of our local businesses and nonprofits. Learn about their inspirations, why started in their industry and more! Find the Chamber on Instagram at @jhchamber. For information about the program, please contact Communications Manager, Andi Gollwitzer, andi@jacksonholechamber.com