The Business Development Committee of the Jackson Hole Chamber of Commerce is announcing an acknowledgement effort for all workers and front-line staff in Teton County, Wyoming.

Thank you to all the businesses who have joined in support of the initiative!

The purpose of acknowledging workers is to show support and appreciation for the those that helped our community move through a challenging and uncertain year.

To participate, we ask that the Chamber of Commerce member businesses send a list of all the employees they wish to recognize with your business to The Business Development Committee is kindly asking businesses for a $100 donation to fulfill the program, showing recognition for Teton County Employees (though any assistance is accepted and appreciated).  We are requesting that donation be made by October 1st.  

The donation can be sent to the Chamber of Commerce or dropped off at our main office, 260A West Broadway. Please place #TCEmployeeappreciation in the memo with your contribution

The Committee will meet on October 7th to allocate 100% of the funds collected to give back in gratitude to our community's workers. We do this in recognition of the realization we would not have made it through this season without every staff member who showed up this summer daily, despite the many issues facing each and every one of us.

Get your staff in front of the community and show your support for them with the tags #TCEA and  #TCEmpolyeeappreciation. Share all of your social media posts with the names of the people you wish to recognize for their incredible efforts in 2020 that kept and continue to keep our community open and safe.

From our Staff to Yours: Thank You!

Simple Ways to Show Additional Recognition of your Employees:

  • A thank you note
  • If you have minimal parking for your business, give employees turns parking in the prime spot.
  • Give them a redeemable "day off pass."
  • Create an employee Wall of Fame
  • Bring in coffee or breakfast.
  • Be more flexible with hours and give your employees the free time they want/need with their friends and family. 
  • Give them a little extra time on their break.
  • Celebrate employee birthday's
  • Close early or open late for some mental health breaks
  • Give your time to your employees to talk about their wishes and needs.
  • Talk about anything but business. Get lunch or spend time with your employees or coworkers and talk about life outside work.

How do you show support for your employees? Show us with the #tcemployeeappreciation. Whether it's little or big, we want to see it!  Find media resources, logos, and the press release for this initiative to make showing your participation easy! Go HERE.

Photo by Jay Kazen