To understand the business community’s response to possibly adding one additional cent to Teton County's current 6 cent sales tax, the Jackson Hole Chamber of Commerce surveyed its 900 members.
One of the Jackson Hole Chamber of Commerce’s key objectives within our strategic plan is to “represent and engage our membership and the community on economic matters that impact them.” Central to representing our membership is that we understand the values and opinions of our members. Thank you to the 167 Chamber members who participated in the survey.
Given the relatively even split of responses the Jackson Hole Chamber of Commerce will abstain from a position on this ballot initiative. Instead we will continue to provide information on this topic to be accountable to our membership. You have spoken and we hear you.
The complete survey results are below. Big picture take-aways include:
54% of the 167 respondents will vote NO--their main reason being that the allocation of the revenue is unclear.
The 46% of respondents who will vote YES are doing so because they understand more income is needed and state funds will be reduced.
50% of businesses do not believe the additional tax would affect consumer spending at their business.
If the tax revenue could be allocated to a more specific need, 49% (highest segment) would prioritize Human Services, while only 8% would not prioritize it.
When given the opportunity to type their opinions these are sentiments that were repeated:
Our elected officials should better manage funds. They should cut expenses instead of increase taxes.
Tourists and "the wealthy" should fund additional revenue streams (an increased lodging tax was mentioned a number of times).
The funds should not be used to encourage tourism.
Complete Survey
Q1 Will you vote to support an additional one cent to our current 6% sales tax in the November election to provide additional resources to local government?
If the member selected "NO" they were asked why in Q2 below. If the member selected "YES" they skipped Q2 and were asked why in Q3.
Q2 Select all that apply that best describes why you DO NOT support the 7th cent tax.
Q3. Select all that apply that best describes why you DO support the tax.
Q4 How might the General Penny affect consumer spending at your business?
Q5. If passed what would you view as the priorities for this 7th cent tax tobe spent on? Please rank as first, second, third, and fourth.
Q6 Of the following funding priorities, are there any you would NOT support? Check all that apply or do not check any.
Referred to as the "General Penny," the additional cent tax will be enacted (or not) by voters during the November 3 election. Estimates show that this tax will bring approximately $16MM annually for the Town and County that will be used for "general revenue purposes." To learn more about the proposed tax visit
Visit our Advocacy & Education page to read about other instances in which the Chamber is involved politically. We recently published our 2019 - 2020 Annual Report for your review HERE.