Grand Prismatic in Winter Courtesy of Visit Jackson Hole

Things to Know

1. Yellowstone National Park is big–look at maps and online resources ahead of time. 

2. Buy your park pass ahead of time and avoid the lines. 

3. The earlier you are up in the park, the more likely you’ll see wildlife cruising about. 

4. Be prepared to have no cell service.

5. Be prepared to get stuck in traffic jams–well more like viewing jams. One bulk elk can create a long line of traffic.

6. Be prepared for the weather to change in a minute. There’s a chance of frost 365 days a year in the Northern Rockies.

7. This is bear country. Be bear aware and take preventative measures by locking up food and trash properly, keeping a clean camp, and your have bear spray handy at all times. 

8. Do not feed the wildlife. 

9. Do not try to pet the wildlife, especially babies–mothers are typically nearby even if you can’t see them.

10. Stay on the boardwalks, especially by the geysers and hot springs to ensure your safety.