Business Resources

With the stress of daily changes and quite frankly a lot more questions than answers, we want you to know we are working around the clock to make sense of this for our business community. As a Chamber, we support the community impact decisions being made to support the Public Health and Safety. We know they are causing extreme duress for many members, but from what we have heard, we know you support them too.

Our goal during this time is as follows:

  1. Deliver accurate, responsible and helpful information only.
  2. Listen to the needs of our members and be available.
  3. Support and understand the return to normal and ensure our business health is strong.
  4. Advocate for businesses, employees and our community though this unprecedented time.

Teton County Health Orders & Recommendations


Updated January 3, 2022

Mask Recommendation as of January 1, 2022
With the expiration of a mask order at 11:59PM on December 31, 2021, Recommendation #12 is now in place.

In this guidance it is recommended that everyone 2 and older should wear a mask in crowded indoor settings no matter vaccination status, when in an area of high or substantial COVID-19 transmission. In addition, mask wearing is recommended when in crowded outdoor settings but is not recommended in other outdoor settings.

  • As a reminder, businesses can always make masks mandatory at their place of business.
  • Free surgical masks are available at the JH Chamber of Commerce. Just stop by! 260 W Broadway, Suite A, 7 days a week from 8am to 5pm.

Shortened Quarantine Recomendations as of December 27, 2021
Teton County Public Health recommendations for isolation and quarantine can be found here. Very brief instruction is outlined below, but please review the entire document if you test positive or are in close contact with someone who tests positive.

If you have tested positive:

  • Isolate for 5 days from the onset of symptoms or the date you received a positive result
  • Release from isolation on day 6 if you are symptom-free

If you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive:

  • And have been vaccinated and boosted, wear a mask around others for 10 days.
  • And have been vaccinated but not boosted, quarantine for 5 days.
  • And have not been vaccinated, quarantine for 5 days.
  • And have tested positive for Covid in the past 90 days, no quarantine necesary.

Download Teton County Health Department mask signage

Dowload the "Mask Up" signage from the Travel & Tourism Board here.

Teton County has moved into the Red or High-Risk Level. Click here to read more on what that means for Teton County.

  • Click here to view an infographic on what you can do while we are in the Red High Risk Level. 

Teton County Health Department urges community members to follow the CDC’s latest guidance on mask usage. It is recommended that even fully vaccinated individuals continue to wear masks when inside public places or in crowded outdoor settings. In addition, businesses may develop policies for their staff and customers as long as accommodations can be made for those requiring exemptions.

We recommend viewing these guidance documents for the following business sectors:

Please print and post the attached Curative testing flyer to promote free COVID-19 testing for both locals and visitors.

Important Links & Resources for Teton County

  • Find the most recent update from the Teton County Health Department here.
  • Click here for Teton County business resources.
  • For updated signage for your business, click here

Current State Health Orders 

Click here to see information, orders and recommendations on a state level from the Wyoming Public Health Department. 

U.S. Chamber Emergency Relief Resources

U.S. Chamber Vaccine Toolkit 

Despite a significant percent of our population getting vaccinated, we know many of our residents remain unvaccinated. We have learned no one approach will work for all; please let us know what else you are trying to understand, and we will work to help get answers. Here are some resources designed to help employers with the myriad of questions you may be facing:​

  • Best Practices for COVID 19 Communications to message employees about vaccination. Read More.
  • How can we help employees get vaccinated? Accommodations, support, and incentives read more.
  • COVID Vaccines FAQs; Read more.

Vaccine Considerations for Employers:

What questions can you ask your employee (or not), what can you require (or not), what can you mandate (or not). This US Chamber General Guide addresses these topics for your business, but if you have specific questions not answered please double check with your attorney

Guide to Small Business COVID-19 Emergency Loans. This guide provide the latest information and answers to FAQs about the changes that have been made to the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and the Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) Program as part of the end-of-year pandemic relief package Congress has passed and Employee Retention Tax Credit, click HERE.

Please view this guide document addressing the PPP for 501(c)(6) chambers of commerce, click HERE.

Click here to view the U.S. Chamber's new Guide to Small Business COVID-19 Emergency Loans which we will continue to update as more information becomes available.

Watch our January BOB and find a full lowdown on the final pandemic relief package from U.S. Chamber representative Chris Eyler. Included is an update on the COVID-19 Vaccine from Jodie Pond of Teton County Health Department.

COVID-19 Vaccination

All Individuals in Teton County 16+ are eligible to register for the COVID-19 Vaccine. Make an appointment here. 

COVID-19 Testing

Order at home COVID-19 testing for you or your household through Vault at no cost--HERE.

The Vault test can now be ordered in bulk by a business for employees--HERE.

From Teton County Health Department:

Sign your business up for surveillance testing. Testing is free and completely voluntary. Get information on eligibility or sign up here.

Are you ready to respond should an employee test positive to COVID-19? Simple guidelines and advice from Teton County Health Department can help. We strongly advise you take a look at this Public Health Contact Tracing Presentation to be prepared.

Click HERE for guidelines on public and private transportation providers, driver and passengers from Teton County Health Department. 

Checklist For Businesses

  1. Keep track of all time and expenses you are dedicating to the COVID crisis.
  2. Monitor health orders from State/County
  3. Read the Teton county roadmap to recovery plan, state health orders and county recommendations, and a COVID-19 Response Dashboard can all be found here.
  4. Order Appropriate PPE for you and your customers here
  5. Post Signage – Check with Travel and Tourism Board for Signage Templates for Clean, Careful, Connected messaging
  6. Call your Chamber contact with any questions.

CDC Resuming Business Toolkit

The Resuming Business Toolkit is designed to assist employers in slowing the spread of COVID-19 and lowering the impact in their workplace when reintegrating employees into non-healthcare business settings. Use CDC’s decision tools to decide whether you’re ready to resume business and how to execute re-opening.

Economic Recovery Task Force

The Jackson Hole Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with the Teton County Emergency Management Plan launched an Economic Recovery Task Force (ERTF) in response to COVID-19. Find all details on the ERTF including meetings, agendas and recordings here.

The purpose of the ERTF is to support business, provide resources, and plan for better opportunities in order to shorten our community's recovery time and to mitigate losses.

The ERTF and 4 related Focus Groups have created a Community Business Drop Box for re-opening resources by sector: Public Health Guidelines can be found in the same location. Visit here.

Focus Group Descriptions are here

Please email Rick Howe at regarding the ERTF.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce and U.S. Travel Association Resources

The Wyoming State Chamber of Commerce has put together this helpful resource for companies who may be developing an internal COVID vaccination protocol, click HERE.

Updated 6/16/20, this guide to PPP Loan Forgiveness reflects recent substantive changes made by Congress and the administration to the PPP program to provide borrowers with more flexibility. These changes include:

  • Extending the time to spend PPP funds from 8 weeks to 24 weeks;
  • Lowering the amount that must be spent on payroll from 75% to 60%;
  • Extending the deadline to restore FTEs and payroll from June 30, 2020 to Dec. 31, 2020; and
  • Setting the repayment term for loans made after June 4, 2020 at five years.

If you have not heard there are draft rules for PPP Loan Forgiveness. Talk to your Loan Office about your Loan Forgiveness Application. In the mean time here is a great guide from the US Chamber of Commerce on the Program.

Click here for the U.S. Chamber's Reopening Business Digital Resource Center for the latest state guidelines, sector-specific guidance, small business advice, and other tools and resources including a customizable workplace flyer.

See the U.S. Chamber's Small Business Re-opening Playbook. Also available in Spanish.

View U.S. Chamber and JH Chamber webinars here for additional resources for businesses.

US Chamber complete coronavirus coverage, updated daily with new resources to assist you and your business here.

The U.S. Chamber has compiled CDC’s coronavirus recommendations for businesses and workers, see the Response Toolkit here.

United States Travel Association (USTA) comprehensive FAQ for businesses and a helpful webinar for navigating the CARES Act. 

Emergency Housing Assistance program 

Emergency Housing Assistance Program applications are now open apply hereSee in Spanish.

Application for the WBC Stipend Program will open Monday, June 8. View a informational presentation on the program here

Small Business Administration (SBA) Loans

Congress has approved $350 billion in emergency loans for small businesses to help you keep workers employed. In fact, if a small business maintains or later restores their payrolls, you may not have to repay some — or possibly any — of the loan. Here's a guide and checklist from the U.S. Chamber to help your small business understand the payment protection program. The U.S. Department of Treasury shared new information regarding the Paycheck Protection Program that can be found on their webpage

  • A top-line overview of the program can be found here.
  • If you’re a lender, more information can be found here.
  • If you’re a borrower, more information can be found here.

4/3/20 Updated Paycheck Protection Prgram Applciation here. Note: If you already filled the old form, you still need to fill out this new one. 

U.S. Chamber Guides now available for:

If you have questions about CARES Act funding opportunities before you connect with your lender contact our Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Regional Director: Sarah Hamlin at or 307-851-2029.


We strongly suggest you call your local lender direct; Our local banks and financial institutions are able to provide funding for SBA loans as of April 3 for LLC’s and April 10 for Sole Proprietors/independent contractors. If you don’t have a local lender, our local institutions are helping existing customers but also taking on new clients. Working with a local contact is a great way to keep your communications timely and personal.

Wyoming Business Council Resources


The Wyoming Business Council (WBC) recently announced that all CARES Act dollars allocated to the Endurance Fund have been fully expended. Of the $1.25 billion allocated to the state through the CARES Act, almost $420 million was granted to 8,578 applicants with a total of 39,150 full-time employees. More than 7,000 unique Wyoming businesses (6,665) and nonprofits (396) benefited from the COVID-19 Business Relief Program. The WBC will continue to work with state and federal stakeholders in 2021 on any possible COVID-19 related economic development and relief efforts. Click HERE for more.

Endurance Funding Announced

The Wyoming Business Council (WBC) has released information about another round of COVID expense and loss related funding that will become available November 2. The Endurance Fund will start with $24m in funds and offer business a chance to apply for up to $250,000 each.

The applications for the Relief Fund and the Mitigation Fund are expected to open in a couple weeks. Frequent here for future updates. Click here to view a helpful infographic detailing the three different grant programs. 

WY State Financial Support and Resources for Owners and Employees

  • To file for unemployment, visit
  • Unemployment Insurance FAQ’s (for the applicant)
  • One22 Resource Center is mobilizing financial awards, more information on the program here

Read this letter for advice from Kris Shean, Chamber Board Chair on applying for financial support. 

Jackson Hole Travel and Tourism Board Resources

JH Travel & Tourism Board Mask Signage

  • The Jackson Hole Travel and Tourism Board has created "mask up" signage that businesses are welcome to use to communicate the message that face coverings are required by The Town of Jackson. For this signage, and other helpful communication tools, click here.

JH Travel & Tourism Board - Community Marketing Stimulus Fund

  • Through a granting system facilitated by the Events Committee of the Travel and Tourism Board, use of these funds will be for a Community Marketing Stimulus Grant - grants up to $10,000 awarded to community initiatives that bolster marketing efforts following the destination official re-launch campaign of Jackson Hole. 
  • Find more information or apply here.

Click here for partner resources and industry insights during COVID-19.

Non-Profit Support and Resources

  • The Community Foundation of Jackson Hole has activated the Community Emergency Response Fund to support local nonprofits helping those directly impacted by COVID-19 in addressing their ongoing needs. For more visit
  • If you have staff or friends wanting to offer help as a “volunteer” please use the CFJH volunteer JH page as the main resource. They are collating needs from our beloved non-profits who are trying to manage regular business and the influx of requests they are receiving.
  • We Are Jackson Hole "Stand Together by Staying Apart" is offering community resources and information on mitigation of COVID-19. 
  • Wyoming Humanities’ announcement of the launch of the Wyoming Crossroads Fund and its first grant line, the NEH-funded Wyoming Cultural Cares emergency relief grants. Info at

Digital Tools for Business

Contact-less payments are available at most stores in town. Set up on your phone or check your credit cards for this symbol. 
Click the following links for instructions: 

Take Care of Yourself`

Mental Health JH is now accepting applications for their Mental Health Program. View the application here.

Looking for stress management resources for you and/or your employees? Look no further than our September BOB focussed on mental health resources, view the virtual meeting here.

Find Teton County mental and behavioral experts from the Systems of Care at

Read this article by Deidre Ashley in the Jackson Hole News & Guide regarding reducing the stigma Let’s talk: Stigma of seeking support harms our health.

Mental Health JH is a new county-wdie partnership made up of valley experts from local nonprofits and private practices who have joined together to provide a Bridge for Discussions, Resources, and Funding Around Mental and Behavioral Wellness. Read the full press release here and click here for details to sign up.

Becoming Jackson Whole is offering complimentary mindfulness and social wellness practices to build focus, calm, and resilience. Take a practice or read more here.

If your household is Spanish speaking, share this helpful handout with your family. 


Teton County Public Health Update Hotline: 1-307-732-8628
St. John's Health Evaluation Hotline: 1-307-739-4898

Spanish Translations Available. 

How to Access Teton County Health Care Services during public closure. View this document in Spanish here.

Teton County/Town of Jackson Links

Handy Links 

Written & updated by Communications Manager, Andi Gollwitzer. For questions please email