Utilize this page to stay updated on all things plastic bag ban related here in Jackson! Are you prepared for it? Learn how you can be ready in 2019.

Plastic Bag Ordinance: What Is It?

Town Council meeting, the decision to move forward with banning “single-use” plastic bags was officially put into play. Starting April 15, 2019, grocers and large retailers will not be able to distribute single-use (4mm or less thickness) bags. There will be a 20c fee for paper bags. Shoppers will be encouraged to bring and use their own reusable bags to avoid having to buy bags. The fee collected will be split between the businesses and the town. All other retailers starting on November 1, 2019, will have to comply with the new ordinance.

Click here to read the meeting's notes and the Chamber's stance on the ordinance
View Chamber's comment to Town during the early stages of the ordinance this past fall here

Plastic Bag Ban Letter to Business Owners

On January 7, 2019, the Jackson Town Council approved an ordinance establishing disposable bag requirements. While the ordinance’s focus is on plastic bags, the intent is not to have shoppers switch to paper bags, but to encourage and make it easier for shoppers to switch to reusable bags. The Town of Jackson is committed to a 60% waste diversion goal, preserving Jackson’s unique environmental resources, and promoting practices that are sustainable to our natural environment.

Effective on April 15, 2019, no grocer or large retailer (19,000 ft² or greater) within the Town of Jackson shall provide single-use disposable plastic bags (less than 4 mil thick) to a customer at the point of sale. Grocers and large retailers shall collect a twenty cent ($.20) waste reduction fee for each disposable paper bag or reusable plastic bag (4 mil or greater) provided to a customer at the point of sale.

Effective on November 1, 2019, no retailer or retail store within the Town of Jackson shall provide single-use disposable plastic bags (less than 4 mil thick) to a customer at the point of sale. All retailers and retail stores shall collect a twenty cent ($.20) waste reduction fee for each disposable paper bag or reusable plastic bag (4 mil or greater) provided to a customer at the point of sale.

View Letter Here

Now What?

  1. Collect recyclable bags to bring to the store with you. Where can you find these? We suggest stopping at your local grocer to purchase some for 99 cents to $5.99. Amazon also has great options for reusable shopping bags and produce bags! 
  2. Do you have a lot that you'd like to share? Stop by the Chamber and drop yours off at our reusable bag drop-off in the lobby. 
  3. Need bags? Also, head to the Chamber's bag drop-off and pick up one for yourself!
  4. Keep your reusable bags in the trunk of your car at all times so you don't forget to bring them to the store

Photo courtesy of Visit Jackson Hole